Good vs Bad Website Review


Website Review: MeiMei and Crumbl Cookie

    When I did the review, I did not focus on MeiMei because it was a bad website perse, rather I feel the website can use some changes that will benefit the restaurant in facilitating the buying/reservation process. In Marketing there is a term called "Choice Overload" which means that the more options we see, the harder it is to make a decision, which is what Crumbl Cookies does extremely well in minimizing. Regardless, I think they are both good websites, the only difference is centered around this focal point of choice overload. Learn more on my Presentation by navigating both with me.

MeiMei Overview:

Mei Mei features a website cohesive with their brand in terms of tone, colors and identity. However their menu section can cause choice overload given the wide variety of option they offer. MeiMei will benefit from having drop down menus and focusing the attention of their customers to specific sections. In doing so, MeiMei will see an increase in website ordering and tabling reservation given the ease of access for consumers.

Crumbl Cookies Overview:

Crumbl Cookies' website is one that is user friendly and takes away the choice overload anxiety from consumers. The website features a minimalist layout very consistent with the in-store vibe and colors which makes this brand simple, yet distinctive. They offer the different information of the store and options of purchase in a simple yet direct approach where it is easy for them to get orders online for both catering and individual purchases.

     Overall, both websites are very consistent in branding and showcasing the tone, vibe and aesthetic of their physical presence, the biggest difference is the information they feature and the layout of the previously mentioned. We do have to keep into consideration that although they are both in the food industry they are within different areas. While Crumbl Cookies focuses on baked goods with their cookies, MeiMei offers the city experience through their variety of continental asian cuisine. 

- What do you think of the layout, would it be easier to order from one than the other, or is it about the same? 

- Have you ever experience choice overload?

Let me know in the comments! 

Genesis Ramos Piris

The Genny Diary | College Student Edition


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